Click on the links directly below to view contents of each issue (listed chronologically).

Volume 1, 1969
Volume 2, 1970
Volume 3, 1971
Volume 4, 1972
Volume 5, 1973
Volume 6, 1974
Volume 7, 1975
Volume 8, 1976
Volume 9, 1977
Volume 10, 1978
Volume 11, 1979
Volume 12, 1980
Volume 13, 1981
Volume 14, 1982
Volume 15, 1983
Volume 16, 1984
Volume 17, 1985
Volume 18, 1986
Volume 19, 1987
Volume 20, 1988
Volume 21, 1989
Volume 22, 1990
Volume 23, 1991
Volume 24, 1992
Volume 25, 1993
Volume 26, 1994
Volume 27, 1995
Volume 28, 1996
Volume 29, 1997
Volume 30, 1998
Volume 31, 1999
Volume 32, 2000
Volume 33, 2001
Volume 34, 2002
Volume 35, 2003

Volume 36, 2004
Volume 37, 2005
Volume 38, 2006
Volume 39, 2007
Volume 40, 2008
Volume 41, 2009
Volume 42, 2010

Volume 1, 1969

Number One

Maslow: The Farther Reaches Of Human Nature
Sutich: Some considerations regarding transpersonal psychology Murphy: Education for transcendence
Assagioli: Symbols of transpersonal experience
Armor: A note on the peak experience and a transpersonal psychology
Alexander Maven:
The mystic union: A suggested biological interpretation
Abraham Maslow: Various meanings of transcendence

Number Two

LeShan: Physicists and mystics: Similarities in world view
Willis Harman: The new Copernican revolution
Maslow: Theory Z
Wapnick: Mysticism and schizophrenia
Pahnke & Richards: Implications of LSD and experimental mysticism

Volume 2, 1970

Number One

Green, Green & Walters: Voluntary control of internal states: Psychological and physiological
Tart: Transpersonal potentialities of deep hypnosis
Timmons & Kamiya: The psychology and physiology of meditation and related phenomena: A bibliography

Number Two

Maslow: New introduction: Religions, Values and Peak-Experiences (new edition)
Ram Dass: Baba Ram Dass lecture at the Menninger Foundation: Part I
Hart: The Zen of Hubert Benoit

Volume 3, 1971

Number One

Tart: A Psychologist's Experience WIth Transcendental Meditation
Goleman: Meditation as a meta-therapy: Hypotheses toward a proposed fifth state of consciousness
Green & Green: On the meaning of transpersonal: Some metaphysical perspectives
Ram Dass: Baba Ram Dass lecture at the Menninger Foundation: Part II
Sutich: Transpersonal notes

Number Two

Tart: Scientific foundations for the study of altered states of consciousness
Van Nuys: A novel technique for studying attention during meditation
Hendrick: A program in human consciousness
Back to top

Volume 4, 1972

Number One

Daniel Goleman: The Buddha on meditation and states of consciousness, Part I: The teachings
Stanislav Grof: Varieties of Transpersonal experiences: Observations from LSD psychotherapy
Weide: Council Grove IV-Toward a science concerned with ultimates
Spencer Sherman: Brief report: Very deep hypnosis

Number Two

Stanley Krippner (Ed.): The plateau experience: A.H. Maslow and others
Richards, et al.: LSD-assisted psychotherapy and the human encounter with death
Daniel Goleman: The Buddha on meditation and states of consciousness, Part II: A typology of meditation techniques
Back to top

Volume 5, 1973

Number One

Sutich: Transpersonal therapy
Weide: Varieties of transpersonal therapy
Grof: Theoretical and empirical basis of transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy: Observations from LSD research
Geir Vilhjalmsson and Thomas Weide: The first international transpersonal conference
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: An approach to meditation
Ram Dass: Ram Dass lecture at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center: Part I

Number Two

Osis, et al.: Dimensions of the meditative experience
Katz: Education for transcendence: Lessons from the !Khung Zhu/twasi
Francis Vaughan Clark: Exploring intuition: Prospects and possibilities
Ram Dass: Ram Dass lecture at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center: Part II
Weide: Vallombrosa: A major transpersonal event
Back to top

Volume 6, 1974

Number One

Frances Vaughan Clark: Rediscovering transpersonal education
Campbell & McMahon: Religious-type experience in the context of humanistic and transpersonal psychology
Alan Watts: Psychotherapy and Eastern religion: Metaphysical bases of psychiatry
Martha Crampton: Psychological energy transformations: Developing positive polarization
Marvin Casper: Space therapy and the Maitri project

Number Two

Edwin Bernbaum: The way of symbols: The use of symbols in Tibetan mysticism
Kennett: On meditation
Jain & Jain: The samadhist: A description
Tarthang Tulku: The self-image
Robert Frager: A proposed model for a graduate program in Transpersonal Psychology
Back to top

Volume 7, 1975

Number One

James Schultz: Stages on the spiritual path: A Buddhist perspective
Simonton & Simonton: Belief systems and management of the emotional aspects of malignancy
Chogyam Trungpa: Transpersonal cooperation at Naropa
Ram Dass: Advice to a psychotherapist
Robert Frager & James Fadiman: Personal growth in yoga and Sufism

Number Two

Ken Wilber: Psycholigia perennis: The spectrum of consciousness
Gary Deatherage: The clinical use of meditation in short-term psychotherapy
Charles Garfield: Consciousness alteration and fear of death
Jacques Maquet: Meditation in contemporary Sri Lanka: Idea and practice
Daniel Goleman: Mental health in classical Buddhist psychology
Back to top

Volume 8, 1976

Number One

Miles Vich: Anthony J. Sutich: An appreciation
Anthony Sutich: The emergence of the transpersonal orientation: A personal account
Fritjof Capra: Modern physics and Eastern mysticism
Tarthang Tulku: A view of mind
Tart: The basic nature of altered states of consciousness: A systems approach

Number Two

Kenneth Ring: Mapping the regions of consciousness John Welwood: Exploring mind: Form, emptiness and beyond
Roger Walsh: Reflections of psychotherapy
June Singer: A Jungian view of biofeedback
Robert Leslie: Yoga and the fear of death
Ram Dass: Freeing the mind
Back to top

Volume 9, 1977

Number One

John Welwood: Meditation and the unconscious: A new perspective
James Fadiman & Werner Erhard: Some aspects of est training and transpersonal psychology
Michael Keller: Henry David Thoreau: A transpersonal view

Number Two

John Welwood: On psychological space
David Steindl-Rast & Ram Dass: On lay monasticism
Anderson: A holographic model of transpersonal consciousness
Roger Walsh: Initial meditative experiences: Part I
Back to top

Volume 10, 1978

Number One

Roger Walsh: Initial meditative experiences: Part II
Washburn: Observations relevant to a unified theory of meditation
Maureen Murdock: Meditation with young children
Eugene Taylor: Psychology of religion and Asian studies: William James' Legacy

Number Two

John Welwood, Fritjof Capra, Marylin Ferguson, Jacob Needleman, Karl Pribram, Huston Smith, Frances Vaughan & Roger Walsh : Psychology, science and spiritual paths
Roger Walsh, Daniel Goleman, Jack Kornfield, Corrado Pensa & Deane Shapiro: Meditation: Research and practice
Alyce Green & Elmer Green: Some problems in biofeedback research
Gordon Boals: Toward a cognitive reconceptualization of meditation
Back to top

Volume 11, 1979

Number One

Ken Wilber: A developmental view of consciousness
John Welwood: Self-knowledge for integrative psychology
Robert and Kay Stensrud: Tao of human relations
Symposium: Spiritual and transpersonal aspects of altered states of consciousness: A symposium report
Jack Kornfield: Intensive insight meditation

Number Two

Frances Vaughan: Transpersonal psychotherapy
Chogyam Trungpa: Intrinsic health
Seymore Boorstein: Troubled relationships
John Welwood: Befriending emotion: Self-knowledge
Roger Walsh: Meditation research
Lynn Ward White: Recovery from alcoholism: Transpersonal dimensions
Back to top

Volume 12, 1980

Number One

Jamnien & Ohayv: Field interview with a master
Burns & Ohayv: Changes in meditating Western monks
Bohm & Welwood: Physics, psychology and metaphysics
Boucouvalas: Transpersonal psychology: An outline
Metzner: Metaphors of self-transformation

Number Two

Boorstein: Lightheartedness in psychotherapy
Welwood: Psychotherapy, focusing and meditation
Brown & Engler: Stages of mindfulness meditation
Murphy: Esalen Transformation Project
Langford: The Family Practice Ward in Cambodia
Back to top

Volume 13, 1981

Number One

Hidas: Psychotherapy and surrender: A psychospiritual perspective
Smith: Observation on Morita therapy
Wilber: Ontogenetic development
Peters: An experiential study of Nepalese shamanism

Number Two

Epstein & Lieff: Psychiatric complications of meditation
Goleman: Buddhist and Western psychology: Commonalities and differences
O'Hanlon: Integration of spiritual practices: A Western Christian looks East
Amundson: Will in the psychology of Otto Rank: A transpersonal perspective
Amodeo: Focusing applied to a case of disorientation in meditation
Earle: Cerebral laterality and meditation
Back to top

Volume 14, 1982

Number One

Anthony: The outer master as the inner guide: Autonomy and authority in transformation
Vaughan: The transpersonal perspective: A personal overview
Lieff: Eight reasons why doctors fear the elderly, chronic illness and death
Wortz: Awareness methods in psychotherapy
Walsh: A model for viewing meditation research

Number Two

Riedlinger: Sartre's rite of passage
Welwood: Vulnerability and power in the therapeutic process: Existential and Buddhist perspectives
Speeth: On psychotherapeutic attention
Aitken: Zen practice and psychotherapy
Alpert/Ram Dass: A ten-year perspective
Back to top

Volume 15, 1983

Number One

Friedman: A conceptualization and measurement of transpersonal construct
Grof: East and West: Ancient wisdom and modern science
Komito: Tibetan Buddhism and psychotherapy: The Dalai Lama
Lane: Hierarchical structure of religious visions
Shapiro: Meditation as altered state of consciousness

Number Two

Kalff: Negation of ego in Tibetan Buddhism and Jungian psychology
Gallegos: Animal imagery, chakra system and psychotherapy
Henkin: Non-ordinary experiences and their integration
Hastings: A counseling approach to parapsychological experience
Henderson: Self-help books: Are they ethical
Boorstein: Bibliotherapy and mindfulness meditation in a psychiatric setting
Murphy & Donovan: A bibliography of meditation theory and research: 1931-1983
Back to top

Volume 16, 1984

Number One

Komito: Tibetan Buddhism and psychotherapy: Further conversations with the Dalai Lama
Engler: Therapeutic aims in psychotherapy and meditation: Developmental stages in the representation of self
Welwood: Principles of inner work
Wilber: The developmental spectrum and psychopathology: Part I, Stages and types of pathology

Number Two

Wilber: The developmental spectrum and psychopathology: Part II, Treatment modalities
Asante: The African American mode of transcendence
Gross: The feminine principle in Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism: Reflections of a Buddhist feminist
Epstein: On the neglect of evenly suspended attention
Armstrong: Transpersonal experience in childhood
Shafranske & Gorsuch: Factors associated with the perception of spirituality in psychotherapy
Back to top

Volume 17, 1985

Number One

Sovatsky: Eros as mystery: Toward a transpersonal sexology and procreativity
Welwood: On love: Conditional and unconditional
Metzner: Knots, ties, nets and bonds in relationships
Boorstein: Notes on right speech as a psychotherapeutic techniques
Scotton: Teaching and supervision of transpersonal psychotherapy
Thapa & Murthy: Experiential characteristics of certain altered states

Number Two

Chinen: Fairy tales and transpersonal development in later life
Lukoff & Everest: Myths in mental illness
Lukoff: Diagnosis of mystical experiences with psychotic features
Goleman, Smith & Ram Dass: Truth and transformation in psychological and spiritual paths
Back to top

Volume 18, 1986

Number One

Rothberg: Philosophical foundations of transpersonal psychology
Butcher: Phenomenological psychology of J. Krishnamurti
Russell: Consciousness and the unconscious: Eastern meditative and Western psychotherapeutic approaches
Knoblauch & Falconer: A measured Taoist orientation and Western personality dimensions

Number Two

Fleischman: Release: A religious and psychotherapeutic issue
Boorstein: Transpersonal context, interpretation, and psychotherapeutic technique
Welwood: Personality structure: Path or pathology?
Epstein: Meditative transformations of narcissism
Tart: Consciousness, altered states, and worlds of experience
Chinen: Elder tales revisited: Forms of transcendence in later life
Back to top

Volume 19, 1987

Number One

Teixeira: Comments on Ahimsa (nonviolence)
Dubs: Psychospiritual development in Zen Buddhism: A study of resistance

Number Two

Chinen: Middle tales: Fairy tales and transpersonal development at mid-life
Davis & Wright Content of Undergraduate Transpersonal Psychology Courses
Meadow & Culligan Congruent Spiritual Paths: Christian Carmelite and Theravadan Buddhist Vipassana
Lu and Heming The Effect of the Film Ikiru on Death Anxiety and Attitudes Toward Death
Echenhofer and Coombs A Brief Review of Research and Controversies in EEG Biofeedback and Meditation
Weimer and Lu Personal Transformation Through an Encounter With Death: Cinematic and Psychotherapy Case Studies

Back to top

Volume 20, 1988

Number One

Allan B. Chinen Clinical Symposium, Challenging cases in transpersonal psychotherapy
Allan B. Chinen Symposium Participants
Allan B. Chinen Symposium Introduction
Ronald Wong Jue Regression therapy as a transpersonal modality
Lukoff: Transpersonal therapy with a manic-depressive artist
William Foote A Case of Transpersonal visualization
Allan B. Chinen Symposium Discussion
Allan B. Chinen Symposium Postscript
Treya Killam Wilber Attitudes and cancer: what kind of help really helps
Mark Epstein The deconstruction of the self: ego and "egolessness" in Buddhist Insight meditation
Sirkku Sky Hiltunen Initial therapuetic applications of NOH theater in drama therapy
Susana Pendzik Drama therapy as form of modern shamanism

Number Two

Miles Vich, Some historical sources of the term "Transpersonal"
Wilber: On being a support person
Lukoff & Lu: Transpersonal psychology research review: Mystical experience
Back to top

Volume 21, 1989

Number One

Walsh: What is a shaman? Definition, origin and distribution
Shapiro: Judaism as a journey of transformation
Heery: Inner voice experiences: An exploratory study of thirty cases
Roberts: Multistate education: Metacognitive implications of the mindbody psychotechnologies

Number Two

Peters: Shamanism: Phenomenology of a spiritual discipline
Carlat: Psychological motivation and the choice of spiritual symbols
Schavrien: The rage, healing and daemonic death of Oedipus: A self-in-relation theory
Serlin: A psycho-spiritual-body therapy approach to residential treatment of Catholic religious
Nelson: Personality factors in the frequency of reported spontaneous praeternatural experiences
Lukoff & Lu: Transpersonal psychology research review: Computerized databases, specialized collections, and archives
Back to top

Volume 22, 1990

Number One

Holden & Guest: Life review in a non-near-death episode: A comparison with near-death experiences
Epstein: Psychodynamics of meditation: Pitfalls on the spiritual path
Nelson: The technology of the praeternatural: An empirically based model of transpersonal experiences
Welwood: Intimate relationship as path
Fox: Transpersonal ecology: "Psychologizing" Ecophilosophy

Number Two

Lukoff, et.al Transpersonal Psychology Research Review: Psychoactive Substances and Transpersonal States
Waldman Reflections on Death and Reconciliation
Hughes, Melville Changes in Brainwave Activity During Trance Channeling: A Pilot Study
Charles T.Tart Adapting Eastern Spiritual Teachins to Western Culture: A Discussion With Shinzen Young
Back to top

Volume 23, 1991

Number One

Tart & Deikman: Mindfulness, spiritual seeking and psychotherapy
Doblin: Pahnke's "Good Friday experiment": A long-term follow-up and methodological critique
Mansfield: Looking into mind: An undergraduate course
Dubin: The use of meditative techniques in psychotherapy supervision

Number Two

Montgomery: The care-giving relationship: Paradoxical and transcendent aspects
Vaughan: Spiritual issues in psychotherapy
Vigne: Guru and psychotherapist: Comparisons from the Hindu tradition
Tart: Influences of previous psychedelic drug experiences on students of Tibetan Buddhism
Lajoie, Shapiro & Roberts: A historical analysis of the statement of purpose in The Journal
Back to top

Volume 24, 1992

Number One

Bogart: Separating from a spiritual teacher
Shapiro: A study of long-term meditators
Lukoff, Turner & Lu: Research review: Psychoreligious dimensions of healing
McNamara: A transpersonal approach to memory
Lajoie & Shapiro: Definitions of transpersonal psychology
Vich: Changing definitions of transpersonal psychology

Number Two

Waldman, Lannerty, Boorstein, Scotton, Saltzman, & Jue: Therapeutic alliance, kundalini, and spiritual/religious issues in counseling: The case of Julia
Loy: Avoiding the void
Hughes: Differences between trance channeling and multiple personality disorder
Walsh & Vaughan: Lucid dreaming
Stavely & McNamara: "Transpersonal Ecology": A critique and alternative
Back to top

Volume 25, 1993

Number One

Walsh & Vaughan: The art of transcendence
Lukoff, Turner & Lu: Transpersonal psychology research review: Psychospiritual dimensions of healing
Ossoff: Reflections of shaktipat: Psychosis or the rise of kundalini? A case study
Greyson: The physio-kundalini syndrome and mental illness
Carr: Death and near-death: A comparison of Tibetan and Euro-American experiences

Number Two

Walsh: The transpersonal movement: A history and state of the art
Tart: The structure and dynamics of waking sleep
Miller: The unveiling of traumatic memories and emotions through mindfulness and concentration meditation: Clinical implications and three case reports
Hanna: Rigorous intuition: Consciousness, being and the phenomenological method
Walsh & Vaughan: On transpersonal definitions
Back to top

Volume 26, 1994

Number One

Dubin: The use of meditative techniques for teaching dynamic psychology
Metzner: Addiction and transcendence as altered states of consciousness
Patrik: Phenomenological method and meditation
Steele: The multistate paradigm and the spiritual path of John of the Cross

Number Two

Boorstein: Insight: Some considerations regarding its potential and limitations
Gifford-May & Thompson: "Deep states" of meditation: Phenomenological reports of experience
Hutton: How transpersonal psychotherapists differ from other practitioners: An empirical study
MacDonald, Tsagarakis, & Holland: Validation of a measure of transpersonal self-concept and its relationship to Jungian and five-factor model conceptions of personality
Wren-Lewis: Aftereffects of near-death experiences: A survival mechanism hypothesis
Back to top

Volume 27, 1995

Number One

Cleary-Shapiro: The plateau experience and the post-mortem life: Abraham H. Maslow's unfinished theory
Walsh: Phenomenological mapping: A method for describing and comparing states of consciousness
Tart: Toward the objective exploration of non-ordinary reality
Diaz-Sawatszky: Rediscovering native rituals: "'Coming home' to myself"
Leone: Zen meditation: A psychoanalytic conceptualization

Number Two

Wilber: An informal overview of transpersonal studies
Flier: Demistifying mysticism: Finding a developmental relationship between different ways of knowing
Lukoff-Lu-Turner-Gackenbach: Transpersonal psychology research review: Researching religious and spiritual problems on the internet
MacDonald-LeCLair-Holland-Alter-Friedman: A survey of measures of transpersonal constructs
Back to top

Volume 28, 1996

Number One

Liester: Inner Voices: Distingushing transcendent and pathological characteristics
Urfbanowski-Miller: Trauma, psychotherapy, and meditation
Nalimov-Drogalina: The transpersonal movement: A russian perspective on its emergance and prospects for further development
Wilber: Tranpersonal art and literary theory

Number Two

Anderson, R.: Nine Psycho-spiritual characteristics of spontaneous and involuntary weeping
Gross, P.L. & Shapiro, S.I.: Characteristics of the Taoist Sage in the Chuag-tzu and the creative photographer.
Metzner, R.: The Buddhist six-worlds model of consciousness and reality
Parnell, L.: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and spiritual unfolding
Welwood, J.: Reflections and presence: The dialectic of self-knowledge
Back to top

Volume 29, 1997

Number One

Astin, J.A. & Shapiro, D.H.: Measuring the psychological construct of control: Applications to transpersonal psychology.
Marseille, J.: The spiritual dimension in logotherapy: Victor Frankl's contribution to transpersonal psychology.
Peltzer, K.: The role of religion in counseling victims of organized violence
Peters, L.G.: The "calling" the yeti, and the banjhakri ("forest shaman") in Nepalese shamanism
Vanderkoor L.: Buddhist teachers' experience with extreme mental states in Western meditators.

Number Two

Wilber: To see a world: Art and the I of the beholder
Harris, L. Friedman & Douglas A. MacDonald: Toward a working definition of transpersonal assessment
Walsh, R.: Science and Religion-Proposals for reconciliation: An essay review of Ken Wilber's The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion
Roberts, T.B. & Jesse, R.N.: Recollections of the Good Friday Experiment: an Interview with Huston Smith
Harris L. Friedman and Douglas A. MacDonald Toward a Working Definition of Transpersonal Assessment
Richard C. Page, Eilish McAuliffe, James F. Weiss, Jigme Ugyan, Lori Stowers Wright, Malcom MacLachlan Self-Awareness of Participants in A Long-Term Tibetan Buddhist Retreat

Back to top

Volume 30, 1998

Number One

Margaret Coberly & Shapiro, S.I.: A transpersonal approach to care of the dying.
Patricia L. Ryan: Spirituality among adult survivors of childhood violence: A literature review.
Jorge N. Ferrer: Speak now or forever hold your peace: A review essay of Ken Wilber's The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion.
Ken Wilber: Response to Jorge Ferrer's "Speak now or forever hold your peace. A review essay of Ken Wilber's The Marriage of Sense and Soul" Volume 31, 1999

Number Two

DmMares, R. & Krycka, K. Wild-animal triggered peak experiences: Transpersonal aspects
Puhakka, K.:
Dissolving the self: Rinzai Zen training at an American monastary
Ryan, P.L.:
An exploration of the spirituality of fifty women who survived childhood violence
Joan L. Waldron The Life Impact of Transcendent Experiences With a Pronounced Quality of Noesis
Back to top

Volume 31, 1999

Number One

Ken Wilber: Spirituality and developmental lines: Are there stages?
Michael Nagel: Researching advanced meditative states: Problems of subject selection
Richard C. Page; James F. Weiss; Lori Stowers Wright; Eilish McAuliffe; Jigme Ugyan: The impact of external phenomena on participants in a long-term Buddhist retreat
Marcie Boucouvalas: Following the movement: From transpersonal psychology to a multi-disciplinary transpersonal orientation
Donald Rothberg: Transpersonal issues at the millenium
Douglas A. MacDonald A Survey of Measures of Spiritual and Transpersonal Constructs: Part One--Research Update

Number Two

Ken Wilber An Approach to Integral Psychology
Douglas A. MacDonald, Harris L. Friedman, Jeffrey G. Kuentzel: A survey of measures of spiritual and transpersonal constructs: Part two~~additional instruments
Roger N. Walsh: Asian contemplative disciplines: Common practices, clinical applications, and research findings

Back to top

Volume 32, 2000

Number One

Kaisa Puhakka: Editor's inaugural essay.
Jorge N. Ferrer: The perennial philosophy revisited.
Robert A. Masters: Compassionate wrath: Transpersonal approaches to anger.
Louise Sundararajan: Transpersonal emotions: A structural and phenomenological perspective.
Kevin C. Krycka: Shamanic practices and the treatment of life-threatening medical conditions.
Christopher M. Bache: The eco-crisis and species ego-death: Speculations on the future.
Christian de Quincey: Intersubjectivity: Exploring consciousness from the second-person perspective.
Bruce Greyson: Some neuropsychological correlates of the physio-kundalini syndrome.

Number Two

Bruce Greyson Some Neuropsychological Correlates of the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome
Jenny Wade: Mapping the courses of heavenly bodies: The varieties of transcendent sexual experience.
Tobin Hart:
Transformation as process and paradox.
Joseph Bobrow:
Reverie in Zen and psychoanalysis: Harvesting the ordinary.
Louise Sundararajan: Transpersonal Emotions: A Structural and Phenomenological Perspective

Back to top

Volume 33, 2001

Number One

Michael M. Piechowski: Childhood spirituality
Ingrid Sell: Not Man, Not Woman: Psychospiritual characteristics of a western third gender
Charlotte J. Haimerl & Elizabeth R. Valentine: The effect of contemplative practice on intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of the the self concept.
Linda W. Edge: The spectrum of dissociation: from pathology to self-realization
Richard Tarnas: A new birth in freedom: A pre-review Jorge Ferrer's "Revisioning transpersonal therory: A paricipatory vision of human spirituality"
BOOK REVIEW: Morris Berman:
Wandering God: A study in nomadic spirituality.
BOOK REVIEW: Stuart Sovatsky:
Words from the soul: Time, East/West sprituality and psychotherapeutic narrative
BOOK REVIEW: Charles Tart:
Mind science: Meditation training for practical people
BOOK REVIEW: Tobin Hart:
From information to transformation: Education for the evolution of consciousness
BOOK REVIEW: Arnold Mindell:
Quantum mind: The edge between physics and psychology
BOOK REVIEW: Phillippe Gross & S. I. Shapiro:
The Tao of photography: Seeing beyond seeing

Number Two

Rosemarie Anderson: Embodied Writing And Reflections On Embodiment William Braud: Experiencing Tears Of Wonder-Joy: Seeing With The Heart'S Eye
Sirkku M. Sky Hiltunen: Seven Stages Of Womanhood: A Contemporary Healing Ritual From The Finnish Mythology Of The Kalevala
Arthur Hastings, Premalatha Balasubrahmanyam, Gloria Beaird, Elizabeth Ferguson, Khursheed Kanga, Sherry Raley: Annotated Bibliography Of Selected Articles On Ethnic Minorities, Cultural Perspectives, And Transpersonal Psychology
Theodore J. Usatynski: Hidden Assumptions Of Modern Western Contemplative Cultures
Back to top

Volume 34, 2002

Number One

Kaisa Puhakka: Huston Smith On Terrorism: An Interview With Kaisa Puhakka
Paul J. Roy: September 11, 2001 and Beyond...
Michael Harner: Notes From Shamanism
Genie Palmer, William Braud: Exceptional Human Experiences , Disclosure , And A More Inclusive View Of Physical, Psychological, And Spiritual Well-Being
Editors: Meet The Researcher: Evgeny A. Torchinov, Ph.D., D.Sc Editors: Meet The Researcher II: Sangeetha Menon, Ph .D.

Number Two

Roger Walsh: Terrorism And Other Global Terrors: An Integral Analysis
Sean M. Kelly: Space, Time, And Spirit: The Analogical Imagination And The Evolution Of Transpersonal Theory Part One: Contexts -- Theoretical And Historical
Sean M. Kelly: Space, Time, And Spirit: The Analogical Imagination And The Evolution Of Transpersonal Theory Part Two: Contemporary Transpersonal Models
Robert L. R. Hutchins: Gnosis: Beyond Disease And Disorder To A Diagnosis Inclusive Of Gifts And Challenges
R. Elliott Ingersoll: An Integral Approach For Teaching And Practicing Diagnosis
Editors Meet the Researcher: Elías Capriles
Gennady Brevde, Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Maykov Transpersonal Studies In Russia: Report Of The 2002 Conference Of The Russian Transpersonal Psychology And Psychotherapy Association
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Volume 35, 2003

Number One

Jorge N. Ferrer Integral Transformative Practice
Paul Jerry Challenges in Transpersonal Diagnoses
Laura Gilot Meet the Researcher
Axel Randrup Meet the Researcher II
Evgeny Torchinov Update from Evgeny Torchinov
Michael Washburn Transpersonal Dialogue: A New Direction
Review Radical Ecopsychology
Review Radical Spirit

Number Two

Evgeny A. Torchinov The Fire Passes On
Jonathan Bricklin
Sciousness And Con-Sciousness: William James And The Prime Reality Of Non-Dual Experience
James Fadiman. Charles Grob. Gary Bravo.Alise Agar. Roger Walsh Psychedelic Research Revisited
Brant Cortright, Michael Kahn, Judye Hess Speaking From The Heart: Integral T-Groups As A Tool For Training Transpersonal Psychotherapists
Mariana Caplan. Glenn Hartelius. Mary Anne Rardin
: Contemporary Viewpoints On Transpersonal Psychology
Research Briefs: Meet The Researcher
Don Diespecker
Book review:
Fontana, D. (2003). Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality.
Book Review:
Bache, Christopher M.
(2000). Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps To An Ecology Of Mind

Back to top  

Volume 36, 2004


Number One

Mark B. Ryan - Transpersonal Psychology and the Interpretation of History: A Reading of the Gettysburgh Address
William Braud - An Introduction to Organic Inquiry: Honoring the Transpersonal and Spiritual in Research Praxis
Jennifer Clements - Organic Inquiry: Toward Research in Partnership With Spirit
Brian J. Zinnbauer and Elaine C. Camerota - The Sprituality Group: A Search for the Sacred
Charles Tart - On the Scientific Foundations or Transpersonal Psychology: Contributions From Parapsychology
Charles Laughlin - Research Briefs
David A Hogue - Book Review
Don Lattin - Book Review
Jenny Wade - Book Review

Number Two

ATP Board and JTP Editors - With Gratitude And Respect To Ram Dass
Michael Miovic, M.D., West Newton, MA - Sri Aurobindo And Transpersonal Psychology
Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D. - Clinical Forms Of Love Inspired By Meher Baba’s Mast Work And The Awe Of Infinite Consciousness
Carlton F. Clark, LCSW - R. D. Laing: What Was Therapeutic About That?
David R. Loy, Ph.D. - Terror In The God-shaped Hole: A Buddhist Perspective On Modernity’s Identity Crisis
S. I. Shapiro; T. R. Soidla - Eternity Is In Love With The Productions Of Time*
Ray Greenleaf, M.A., MFT - The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom & Psychotherapy by Prendergast, J., Fenner, P., & Krystal, S
Daryl S. Paulson - Ken Wilber: Thought as passion by Visser, F
Daryl S. Paulson - Kosmic Consciousness by Wilber, K
Sandy Sela-Smith - Radical dreaming: Use your dreams to change your life by Goldhammer, J. D
Sandy Sela-Smith - The art of dreaming: Tools for creative dream work by Mellick, J. (Foreword by Marion Woodman)
- About The Book Reviewers
- Books Our Editors are Reading

Back to top

Volume 37, 2005

Number One

Editor - Errata
Editor - Editor’s Note: Special Issue On Transpersonal Media
Daniel L.Gaylinn - Reflections On Transpersonal Media: An Emerging Movement
Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D. - Transpersonal Dimensions Of The Cinema
Debbie Charles, M.A., Dip. Psych. - An Explorationi Nto The Role Of Transpersonal Psychology Within Existing Film Theory
Francis G. Lu, M.D. - Personal Transformation Through An Encounter With Death: A Study Of Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiruonits Fiftieth Anniversary
Hayal Kackar, M.S.Ed. and Thomas B .Roberts, Ph.D. - Fight Club And The Basic Perinatal Matrices: A Movie Analysis Via A Grofian Frame
Dana Klisanin, Ph.D. - Transpersonal Artistry: Designing Evolutionary Guidance Media
Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph. D. - Resources For Further Inquiry Into Transpersonal Dimensions Of The Cinema

Number Two

Editors - Editor’s Note: In This Issue
Sangeetha Menon, Ph.D. - What Is Indian Psychology: Transcendence In And While Thinking
Judy Schavrien, Ph.D. - On Being Shot Awake And The Dreams That Foresaw It: A Transpersonal Self Psychology View Of Ptsd Recovery
Janet L. Lewis, M.D. - Forgiveness And Psychotherapy: The Prepersonal, The Personal, And The Transpersonal
Seth Robert Segall, Ph.D. - Mindfulness And Self-development In Psychotherapy
David Miller, Ph.D. - Mandala Symbolism in Psychotherapy: The Potential Utility of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Technique for Enhancing the Individuation Process
Gennady Brevde, Ph.D. - European Transpersonal Association Reflections On The 2005 Conference Moscow, Russia
Rosemarie Anderson, reviewer - Book Review: Embodied Spirituality In A Sacred World, by Michael Washburn
Hedy Ganz, reviewer - Book Review: Sacred Therapy: Jewish Spiritual Teachings On Emotional Healing And Inner Wholeness. by Estelle Frankel
Alan Pope, reviewer - Book Review: Buddhist practice on Western ground: Reconciling Eastern ideals and Western psychology, by Harvey Aronson
Editors - Books Our Editors are Reading

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Volume 38, 2006


Number One

Editors - Editor’s Note: In This Issue
Editors - Erratum
Gregg Lahood, Ph.D. - Skulls At The Banquet: Near Birth As nearing Death nearing Death
Judith Blackstone, Ph. D. - Intersubjectivity And Nonduality In The Psychotherapeutic Relationship
Harris Friedman - Self-Expansiveness And Self-Contraction: Complementary Processes Of Transcendence and Immanence
Will Adams - William Blake’s Integral Psychology: Reading Blake And Ken Wilber Together
Leonard Angel, Ph. D. - Two Questions For Ken Wilber And The Wider Transpersonal Audience: A Philosophical Perspective
Ash Clinton Ph. D. - Seemorg Matrix Work: A New Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Arthur Hastings, Ph.D., - Book Review: The Ozawkie book of the dead: Alzheimer’s isn’t what you think by Elmer Green
David L. Krantz - Book Review: Rational Mysticism, by John Horgan
Daryl S. Paulson, Ph. D. - Book Review: The cosmic game: Explorations of the frontiers of human consciousness, Stanislav Grof, Ph. D.
Brant Cortright, Ph.D., - Psychosynthesis: A psychology of the spirit, John Firman and Ann Gila
Editors - Books Our Editors are Reading

Number Two

Marcie Boucouvalas - Editor’s Note: In this Issue
William Braud - Educating the "More" in Holistic Transpersonal Higher Education: A 30+ Year Perspective on the Approach of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Patrick Faggianelli, David Lukoff - Aikido and Psychotherapy: A Study of Psychotherapists Who Are Aikido Practitioners
Britta Holzel, Ulrich Ott - Relations Between Meditation Depth, Absorption, Meditation Practice, and Mindfulness: A Latent Variable Approach
Gillian King, Jeffery Coney - Short Term Effects of Meditation versus Relaxation in Cognitive Functioning
Karen L. Celedonia, Elizabeth Nutt Williams - Craving the Spotlight: Buddhism, Narcissism, and the Desire for Fame
John Rowan - Clinician’s Corner Transpersonal Supervision
Jordan Gruber - Book Review: Psychedelic Horizons, Roberts, T.B.
Robert F. Morgan - Book Review: Buddha in Redface, Duran, E.; Native American Post Colonial History, Duran, E. and Duran, B.; A Trilogy of Three Books: Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling with American Indians and Other Native Peoples, Duran, E.
David Lukoff - Book Review: Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore the Continuing Impact of Psychedelics, Walsh, R. and Grob, C.S.
Yosi Amram - Book Review: Healing the Mind: The Philosophy of Spinoza Adapted for a New Age, Grossman, N.
Daryl S. Paulson - Book Review: The Perennial Quest for a Psychology with a Soul: An Inquiry into the Relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s Metaphysical Yoga Psychology in the Context of Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology, Vrinte, J.
Damon Wood - Book Review: Quantum Change: When epiphanies and sudden insights transform ordinary lives, Miller, W.R. and C’De Baca, J.
Editors - Books Our Editors are Reading

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Volume 39, 2007


Number One

Number Two

Editors - Table of Contents
Editors - Editor's Note: In This Issue
Peter Addy - Facilitating Transperson Expreiences with Dextromethorphan: Potential, Cautions, and Caveats
G. Kenneth Bradford - The Play of Unconditioned Presence in Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy
David St John and Douglas A. MacDonald - Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Ecopsychological Self
Whit Hubbard - The Native American Sweat Lodge Ceremony: Reports of Transpersonal Experiences by Non-Native Practitioners
Stuart Sovatsky - The World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality, Delhi, India, January 5-8, 2008
Mark Forman - Book Review: Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, Wilbur, K.
Robert Frager - Book Review: Judeo-Christina Perspectives on Psychology: Human Nature, Motivation and Change, Miller, W. and Delany, H.
Patricia G. Campbell - Book Review: The Psychological Roots of Religious Belief, Faber, M.D.
Nancy Mangano Rowe - Book Review: Sand, Water, Silence - The Embodiment of Spirit: Explorations in Body and Psyche, Markell, M.J.
Editors - Books Our Editors are Reading
Editor’s Note: In this Issue
Olga Louchakova and Merlin K. Lucas - Transpersonal Self as a Clinical Category: Reflections on Culture, Gender, and Phenomenology
Sangeetha Menon - Basics of Spiritual Altruism
Nicole Ruzek - Transpersonal Psychology in Context: Perspectives from its Founders and Historians of American Psychology
Clinician's Corner
R. Elliott Ingersoll
- Perspectives and Psychotherapy: Applying Integral Theory to Psychotherapy Practice
Bruirit Laub and Nomi Weiner - The Pyramid Model - Dialectical Polarity in Therapy
Book Reviews
Rosemarie Anderson
- Qualitative research methods for psychologists: Introduction through empirical studies. Fischer, C.T. (Ed.). The wounded researcher: Research with soul in mind. Romanyshyn, R.D Embodied Enquiry: Phenomenological touchstones for research, psychotherapy and spirituality. Todres, L.
Arthur Hastings - Irreducible mind: Toward a psychology of the 21st century. Kelly, E.F., Kelly, E.W., Crabtree, A., Gauld, A., Grosso, M., & Greyson, B.
Fabrice Nye - Loving what is: Four questions that can change your life. Mitchell, B.K. & Mitchell, S. A thousand names for joy: Living in harmony with the way things are.Mitchell, B.K., & Mitchell, S.
Mark Brady - The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the mystery of death. Grof, S. Joachim Sehrbrock - The integrative helper: Convergence of Eastern and Western traditions. Mikulas, W.
Books our Editors are Reading Editors
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Volume 40, 2008

Number One

Number Two

Editor’s Note: Welcome to the 40th Anniversary Issue
Miles Vich - Reflections on the Journal’s First years
Kaisa Puhakka - Transpersonal Perspective: An Antidote to the postmodern malaise
Mark B. Ryan - The Transpersonal William James
Erol Akyalcin, Philip Greenway, Lisa Milne - Measuring Transcendence: Extracting core constructs
Jayne Gackenbach - Video Game Play and Consciousness Development: A Transpersonal Perspective
Dia G. Taylor. Gina C. Mireault - Mindfulness and Self-Regulation: A Comparison of Long-Term to Short-Term Meditators
Natti Ronel - The Experience of Spiritual Intelligence

Book Reviews
Paul Roy - Listening from the heart of silence, Prendergast J., & Bradford, G.K.
Sarah Hastings - The mindful way through depression, Williams, M. Teasdale, J., Segal, Z., & Kabat-Zinn, J.
James Fadiman - Psychedelic medicine: New evidence for hallucinogenic substances as treatment, Winkelman, M.J., & Roberts, T.B.
Loic Jassy - The soul of the story: Meetings with remarkable people, Zeller, D.
Natale Teodoro - Risveglio dell’Intelligenza Verso una nuova psicologia dell’Essere le Filosofie Orientali alla volta delle Nuove Teorie Transpersonali [Awakening of Intelligence Toward a New Psychology of Being: Eastern Philosophy in the Direction of New Transpersonal Theories, Pignatelli, D. (published in Italian)

Books our Editors are Reading

Editor’s Note
Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. - Accessing State-Specific Transpersonalknowledge: Inducing Altered States
Stan Grof, M.D., Charles Grob, M.D., Gary Bravo, M.D., Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D. - Birthing The Transpersonal
Kyriacos C. Markides, Ph.D. - Eastern Orthodox Mysticism Andtranspersonal Theory
Judy Schavrien, Ph.D., MFT - Shakespeare’s Late Style And Renewalthrough The Feminine: A Full Spectrumall-Quadrant Approach
Anette Kjellgren, Ph.D., Susanne Taylor, M.Sc. - Mapping Zazen Meditation As Adevelopmental Process: Exploring Theexperiences Of Experienced Andinexperienced Meditators

Book Reviews
Thomas Armstrong Ph.D. - The human odyssey: Navigating the twelve stages of life, Reviewed by Craig Schlarb
Russel Targ- Limitless mind: A guide to remote viewing and transformation of consciousness, Reviewed By Mark A. Shroll
David Fontana - Is there an afterlife? A comprehensive review of the evidence, Reviewed by Tricia WHitehouse
Rhett Diessner - Psyche and eros: Baha’i studies in a spiritual psychology, Reviewed by Robert Atkinson

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Volume 41, 2009

Number One

Number Two

Editor’s Note: The meaning of spiritual maturation.
Stuart Sovatsky - Kundalini and the complete maturation of the ensouled body
Steve Taylor - Beyond the pre/trans fallacy: The validity of pre-egoic spiritual experience
Joshua J. Knabb, Robert K. Welsh - Reconsidering A. Reza Arasteh: Sufism and Psychotherapy
Russell E. Phillips III, David Lukoff, Mary K. Stone - Integrating The Spirit Within Psychosis: Alternative onceptualizations Of Psychotic Disorders
Monika Goretzki, Michael A. Thalbourne, Lance Storm - The Questionnaire Measurement Of Spiritual Emergency

Book Reviews
Craig Chalquist - The participatory turn: Spirituality, mysticism, religious studies., Ferrer, Jorge, & Sherman, Jacob
Jamal Granick - The empathic ground: Intersubjectivity and nonduality in the psychotherapeutic process, Blackstone, Judith
Ryan Rominger - Introduction to psychology: Inner reality, outer reality in diversity, Iljas, Hennifer
Randy Fauver - The intention experiment: Using your thoughts to change your life and the world, McTaggart, Lynne
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos - The underlying religion: An introduction to the perennial philosophy, Lings, Martin and Minnaar, Clinton

Sean M. Saiter - The return of the perennial philosophy: The supreme vision of Western esotericism, Holman, John

Reprinted or Revised Books

Books our Editors are Reading

Editor's Notes
Books our Editors are Reading
G.Kenneth Bradford,Ph.D. - Revisioning Diagnosis: A Contemplative Phenomenological Approach
William A. Richards, Ph.D. - The Rebirth Of Research With Entheogens: Lessons From The Past And Hypotheses For The Future
Alicia Danforth, M.A. - Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy As A Supplement To Preparation For Psychedelic Therapy
Aryeh Lazar, Ph.D. - The Relation Between A Multidimensional Measure Of Spirituality And Measures Of Psychological Functioning Among Secular Israeli Jews

Book Reviews
Arthur Hastings - Tales of wonder: Adventures chasing the divine, an autobiography, Huston Smith with Jeffrey Paine
James Fadiman -Tales of wonder: Adventures chasing the divine, an autobiography. Huston Smith with Jeffrey Paine
Charles T. Tart - SMITH,HUSTON, with JEFFERY PAINE. Tales of wonder: Adventures chasing the divine, an autobiography.
Thomas Roberts - Tales of wonder: Adventures chasing the divine, an autobiography. Fingerprints of God: The search for the science of spirituality. Huston Smith with Jeffrey Paine
Arthur Hastings - TART,CHARLES T. The end of materialism: How evidence of the paranormal is bringing science and spirit together.
Ryan Rominger - NEWBERG, ANDREW, and WALDMAN, MARK ROBERT. How God changes your brain: Breakthrough findings from a leading neuroscientist.
Carol Haefner - WELWOOD, JOHN. Perfect love, imperfect relationships: Healing the wound of the heart.

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Volume 42, 2010

Number One

Number Two

Editor’s Note
In Memoriam: Michael Thalbourne
James A. Swan - Transpersonal Psychology and the Ecological Conscience
Albert Garcia-Romeu - Self-Transcendence as a Measurable Transpersonal Construct
Arthur S. Berger - Practicing Death: Alternate views
Sarah B. Neustadter - Understanding the Motivation for Suicide from a Transpersonal Perspective: Research and Clinical Approaches
Douglas Y. Seiden, KaNei Lam - From Moses and Monotheism to Buddha and Behaviorism: Cognitive Behavior Therapy’s Transpersonal Crisis

Book Reviews:
James Fadiman
- Remembering 1969: Searching for the eternal in changing times, Atkinson, Robert
Ron Pilato - Living deeply: The art & science of transformation in everyday life, Schlitz, Marilyn Mandala, Vieten, Cassandra, & Amorok, Tina
Glenn Hartelius - The way of splendor: Jewish mysticism and modern psychology. Updated 25th Anniversary Edition, Hoffman, E.
Jacob Kaminker - Alchemy of the soul: Integral healing, the work of psychology and spirituality, Maloney, Arya
James Tangeman - Modern psychology and ancient wisdom: Psychological healing Practice from the world’s religious traditions, Mijares, Sharon

Books Our Editors are Reading

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