MEMBERS: Click here to access our password-protected JTP archive page which
includes the printable PDFs of Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and Audio
Files of past ATP Conferences.
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Order the journal in one of the following ways:
Rates for the Journal are:
$35.00 for regular subscription. (two issues per volume (each year)), scheduled for publication in July and December.
Libraries and Institutions can get access to the entire Journal Archives (pdf), plus other audio and video resources for their members and students via IP pass through or proxy server with a $500 library membership.
Foreign Rates:
$45.00 for individuals residing in Canada or Mexico.
$58.00 for foreign subscription.
Libraries and Institutions can get access to the entire Journal Archives (pdf), plus other audio and video resources for their members and students via IP pass through or proxy server with a $500 library membership.